How To Leave Bloating, Extra Weight, and Horrible Sleep in 2017

This is 99 years old.
I’ve been practicing as a chiropractor more than eight years now and treating generations of families.
What a gift to witness how people age.
Our genetics load the gun, our lifestyle pulls the trigger.
The magical age where people start to notice that their bodies hurt and fall apart seems to be around 39 or 40.
Before that, youth is on your side, lifestyle be damned. 😅
I love this photo not just for the beautiful yoga expert who is dancing on TV but what ‘good 99’ looks like.
What are your goals for this brand new year?
Good 40 or bad 40?
Good 50 or bad 50?
Good 80 or bad 80?
Energy, peace, connection, and growth or endlessly visiting doctors’ offices?
Behavioral scientists say, if you’re trying to break and old habit, replace it with a new one. Stop the cycle of broken dreams, diets and New Year’s Resolutions.
Structure and accountability help!
Want to feel a million times better than you did in 2017?
Join us Tuesday, January 16th at 6:45pm for a new look at an old problem: 3 Steps to Start AND Finish A Detox
I’ll show you how to use food & meditation to demolish pain, improve sleep, and decrease stress.
Seating is limited! RSVP by 1/12/18 to 305-932-2218