Yoga and Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain

Why mix yoga and chiropractic care for low back pain? Are two treatment styles really necessary?
If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor in the past, it may be no surprise that you were given exercise recommendations, nutritional help, or received many different styles of physical therapies. The main goal of chiropractic care is spinal health and restoring alignment, which is done through spinal adjustments and various soft tissue techniques. As a holistic approach to healing, chiropractic care focuses on the body as a whole working to ensure optimal wellness for patients. Among many additional treatments and therapies that may be recommended by a chiropractor, yoga is one of our favorites at Miami Sports Chiropractic & Yoga Center in Aventura.
Yoga is an ancient method of exercise, meditation, and breathing dating back at least 5,000 years. Many believe that yoga exists solely as a stretching and flexibility practice with no other benefits; however, this is only a fragment of what yoga can help to accomplish.
What benefits does yoga provide?
The practice of yoga has an almost endless amount of benefits. Yoga offers benefits that help to unite your body, mind and spirit providing you with a calmer, happier, and more fulfilling life. Yoga also helps improve balance, increase energy, lessen chronic pain, reduce insomnia, promote weight loss, ease migraines, boost immunity, improve sexual performance, increase self confidence, lower blood pressure, improve breathing/asthma, improve circulation, improve posture, improved memory…the list could go on and on.
Do yoga and chiropractic for low back pain complement one another? The answer is YES! The idea behind yoga is to strengthen muscle, balance your mind and body, and become more flexible. When yoga is done correctly, it can greatly improve the strength on the muscles that work to stabilize and hold your spine in alignment. Chiropractic helps to restore proper motion to the spine and yoga continues that process by increasing flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Yoga and chiropractic for low back pain will help lead you to a healthier spine and lifestyle.